miércoles, agosto 01, 2007


Por mi Honor, y con la gracia de Dios,
yo Carlos Humberto Torres Ardila,
prometo hacer todo cuanto de mi dependa para
cumplir mis deberes con Dios y con la Patria,
ayudar al prójimo en cualquier circunstancia
y cumplir fielmente la Ley Scout.

100 años no se cumplen todos los días. Hoy el movimiento scout celebra su primer centenario. Ceremonias alrededor del mundo, y en todos los países, la conmemoración del "Amanecer Scout", recordando a los primeros scouts reunidos en BrownSea Inglaterra.

A mis hermanos scout, FELIZ CENTENARIO.

Me tomo la libertad de copiar desde la página de la OMMS (Organizacion Mundial del Movimiento Scout) las palabras del secretario general, dichas esta mañana en el Jamboree Mundial:

Message August 1st

The sun is rising on a new century of Scouting.

When joining millions of other Scouts in the renewal of the Promise let us thank all those who made it possible for us to live the unique, exciting and involving experience of Scouting, starting with our Founder BP.

We live in times of increasing disparities, world wide intolerance, tensions and growing conflicts. Irresponsible life-styles and wild consumerism are seriously putting our planet's environmental stability at risk.

As “citizens of the world”, we have a responsibility.

As Scouts our duty is to actively engage for creating a better world.

Let's be firmly guided by our common Promise and face the future with optimism and courage.

As sisters and brothers, recognising in every human being a friend, whatever her or his beliefs or situation, let's devote all our energies to building Peace.

Eduardo Missoni
Secretary General
World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)


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